Лагерь ПОРОГ (р. Поной)
Hotel description
(Murman region, Lovore district, 815th quarter)
The border camp is on the vice shore near the pen.
All conditions have been created in the camp to accommodate 10 clients. All buildings in the camp are made of dry stance in Sami style.
In addition, there is a camp
- Bath
- Soul
- hot water (round)
- dining room and bar
- Satellite Telephone
- Internet and e-mail
Value: 433 328 грн. per person.
Cost includes:
Delivery to camp from a/p Murmansk and back by MI-8 helicopter
Living in the 2nd local dome.
3rd meals
Provision of motor boats (1 per 2 persons)
Hyde services (1 guide per person)
Licensei "poymal let go"
Additional pay if necessary:
Licensei "poymal snail"
Satellite telephone services
Drinks at the bar.
How to book?