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Holidays in Meribel

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Meribel consists of three villages and is an excellent alpine resort that is perfect for family recreation.

What's the attractive tour of Marybel?

It's not just skiing on the resort, but also on the snoothboard, and it's possible to try its forces on running skis. A green line has been set up for the valley recreational conveniences right to the resort lifts.

The total length of the resort is 150 kilometres, 33 blue, 21 red, 11 green and 9 black. The altitude range is 2,349 metres. There are two Olympic tracks and stadium on the resort.

In all, there are 660 lifts in Meribele, of which 36 booby-cross, 16 wagons and 8 children. The Snoubordists will be pleased with two fans parks with halph-pipes. There are 23 kilometre tracks for running skis.

Rest to Marybel is good for families with children, as well as for those who are just starting their way in mining.

Mining schools for adults and children are available on the resort, and there is also a children ' s Olympic centre and a mining garden.

The resting pool, the sauna, the jacuzzi, the gym, the massage rooms, hydromassium baths, aqua aerobics and thermal baths. The tourists are popular with horny walks, friraid, glacier skating, and bowling, ice cats, aircraft and balloons, carting and paraglyding.

Tours in Marybel are a great opportunity to spend winter leave on one of France's most welcoming and comfortable mining resorts.

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