Лагерь ПАЧА (р. Поной)
Hotel description
(Murman region, Lovore district, 741st quarter)
The Pacha camp is located among the saints in a vice versa where Pacha flows into the Pona River.
The camp is composed of 12 clients; the presence in wooden domics of calibrated logs is 2 people. There's a fireplace and two electric heaters.
Fishing areas - 30 km
In addition, there is a camp- Bath
- Soul
- hot water (round)
- dining room and bar
- Satellite Telephone
- Internet and e-mail
Value: 432 306 грн. per person.
Cost includes:
Delivery to camp from a/p Murmansk and back by MI-8 helicopter
Living in the 2nd local dome.
3rd meals
Provision of motor boats (1 per 2 persons)
Hyde services (1 guide per person)
Licensei "poymal let go"
Additional pay if necessary:
Licensei "poymal snail"
Satellite telephone services
Drinks at the bar.
How to book?