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Caterham School is a private British mixed-educated Spanish school consisting of preparatory and senior offices. At the old school, pupils have been recruited since the age of 11.

The high motivation of students and the excellent quality of teaching reflect the results of the A-level examinations. In 2010, 83 per cent of graduates went to rating universities, of which 10 became students of Oxford and Cambridge, 4 Imperial College London, 2 University of St. Andrews, 8 University College London.

Age: 3-18 years

Accommodation at Caterham School
3 residences on board are designed for 164 residents: 100 for boys and 64 for girls.

Boys are housed in one-, two-bed rooms with conveniences (elders); two-, four- and six-bed rooms with general user needs (schools and secondary schools). Girls are mostly housed in single rooms with conveniences, and there are a few two-ways with conveniences. A small number of one-, two-, three-, six- rooms are also available. The settlement is carried out on the same basis: the higher the student, the more comfortable the room is provided.

Caterham School is located in a vice valley separated from the city by North Downs hills and surrounded by brown forests. A mere 32-ga campus is located just a kilometre from the Katerham centre. Regular rail traffic with London (about hours of travel) makes it possible to travel and tour systematically.

The international airports of Hitrow and Hatvik are 64 kilometres and 23 kilometres, which takes about 50 and 20 minutes of driving in the car.
Various sports are offered at the school: fencing, swimming, football, athletic, running, Badminton, Judo, Square, Golf, Basketball, Arts, Water Sports and Upper Drive.

Basic for boys: rugby, hockey, cricket. For girls: lacrosse, nobol, tennis.
Art: dances of different styles, ballet, choir, drama, music.

Bags: ceramics, chemistry, creative letter, crosswords, bjutheria, mathematics, textiles, radio, chess, astronomy, debates, gymnastics, young entrepreneurs ' club, Cadet corps, etc.

GCSE (IGCSE for foreigners)
The curriculum provides for 4 compulsory and 15 elective disciplines. In addition to the compulsory programme, pupils may choose 3-4 additional subjects, which means that a total of 8 to 10 subjects are studied in GCSE.
Mandatory subjects: English and English literature, mathematics, science (biology, chemistry, physics), modern language.
Selective subjects: art and design, business and economic theory, 3D-disein, theatre, French, geography, German, Greek, history, Italian, Latin, music, physical education, philosophy and ethics, Spanish.

In the first year of education (AS-level), pupils are concentrated in four to five subjects, the number of which is reduced to four to three in graduation (A2). Any combination of elective disciplines (amended by the number of employees and future schedule of occupations) is permitted.

25 subjects of choice: art, biological science, business theory, chemistry, theatrical arts/theatrics, economics, English literature, French, geography, German, history, Latin and Greek, mathematics, higher mathematics, music, philosophy and ethics, photograph, physical education, physics, psychology, political science, Spanish,

Foreign students are supported in English through the EFL course.
The kids are in the school dining room. The quality of the dishes is always high. The menu is diverse (traditional English dishes and dishes of the international kitchen) and includes fresh fruit and vegetables.
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