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Центр Талассотерапии Thalgo La Baule

Hotel description

Survival:hotelsRoyal-Thalasso Barriere4*“Hermitage Barriere" 4*Castel Marie-Louise4*

Position:Atlantic coast of France, south of Bretani, about 440 km from Paris (3 hours on train).

Talassoterapia THALGO LA BAULE- it's an invitation to calm and relax. Lea Bol with his special refreshing climate is a great place to actively restore power and health. The Talassotherapy Centre THALGO LA BAULE belongs to a well-known group of Lucien Barriere hotels and is directly linked to one of the hotels of this group -Royal Thalasso Barriere 4*

The attention and professional team of the Talassotherapy Thalgo la Baule Centre guarantees you permanent therapy in a calm and cozy environment. The water used for the procedures is taken from the sea, updated daily to preserve its curative properties and 100% natural. By virtue of its target composition, marine water, combined with the skills and professionalism of experienced medics, can cure modern diseases (chronic fatigue, stress, back disease, overweight, tobacco addiction) and help to maximize the health benefits of your most important moments, young mothers and their babies, women at menopause.

Procedural spaces with a total area of 3,000m2 are located at the 3rd levels and are designed for marine procedures, massage, relaxing and cosmetics. The noble materials - glass, light tree and marble, which create comfort, light and cozy, have been chosen and successfully assembled to separate the premises.

Procedures room:
3 water-heating basins: water basin, straw basin, thorax pool; 4 barrels with the Sharko string; 2 dispersed shower booths; 8 algae baths; 8 submarine treatment booths (balneo); 8 algae oil rooms; 10 cosmetological rooms; 8 massage rooms; 1 Balneo Mach; 1 gimnastical room for solarology; 1

Talassotherapy procedures:

Maritime procedures:
Aquahymnastics- A range of exercises in water improves equilibrium, muscle tone and enhances joint amplitude - basic group work for any treatment of talassotherapy;

Truck basin to restore shape- The procedure is conducted under the direction of massage and consists of the intended effects of air underwater belts on the body at the same time to stimulate the work of the muscles and to relax them - an individual procedure for the rehabilitation or training and development of individual muscles;

Straight body.- The procedure is carried out in sea water, heated to 32o C, which consists of 9 phases aimed at recycling;

Drilling algae bath with hydromassage- Burning marine water stimulates hemorrhaging and facilitates the penetration of minerals and oligoelments - is combined with hydromassage by submarines;

Sharko's string soul- The powerful targeted seawater belts, individually picked and directed to your body from a distance of 4 metres, destroy fat sediments, fight against pulp and improve muscle tone;

underwater therapy (balneo)- in a hydromassage bath filled with heat sea water, with parallel massage of water from a hose performed by hydrotherapate to improve hemorrhage -

provides a calming and relaxing effect on the organism;

leg bath- A bath with a periodically changing water temperature will intensify the bleeding process in the legs;

Hand mask- Localized nautical dirt on the hands; algae masks, combined with water from salt marshes - algae, consisting of a 100000-fold marine water - are used in the form of masks or baths and contribute to rapid recovery and, in particular, refractoral pains after traditional treatment - for greater efficiency, water is mixed with salt marsh;

Marine Inhalation- Reinstatement of the stock of negative ions in the system - " safe " , sea ions purify respiratory paths and restore lung alveols (after smoking stops);

algae- The use of air oils that produce draining, simulating, absorption and absorption, combined with algae;

wet massage- warm sea water, periodically sprayed through the trolley row of the foreskin to certain parts of the body - is very relaxing the muscles and improving lymphtic and venous bleed.

Dry procedures:

MassageSpecial massage carried out by masseuse + model massage - improvement of self-esteem, is carried out by cosmetology + manuum therapy - a global method for the recovery of tissues and joints;

anti-cellulative proceduresThe treatment of pullites and spears with low currents is strictly medically controlled;

micro-dermobriaPilling, based on skin sliph through abrasion of the microcrystal powder under pressure, effectively impacts the wrinkles and warehouses, rehabilitating the upper layers of epidermis, a painless procedure under medical control.

Relaxing, comfort, losing:

Sopherology- helps to understand the hidden potential of the organism, improves self-responsiveness and emotional moods (stress management, anti-databial assistance - individual and group sessions;

Reflexherapymassage on the Chinese method, allowing the use of certain points on legs, the re-establishment of the energy balance and the influence of a body body body;

Meridians, Facilitate the recycling, restoration of the energy potential of the organism and the promotion of its life and protection functions;

LimphodreneManuular massage of lymphouses, increases hemorrhage and causes the dispersal of the accumulated liquid - regular drain yields excellent results and helps to preserve a beautiful and steep force;

Press therapy- The automated press kit is mainly used as a supplement to vegetation and lymph nodes procedures;

GidrodgeTreatment of sensitive parts of the body with liquid pressure;

Cellu M6- anti-cellulose massage - mechanical coating-calling to disperse fat sediments, re-establish the appearance of skin and improve the circulation of blood;

Datavein- External vegetation; fat mass measurement is done by means of a fat mass determination machine for the purpose of establishing the most accurate deterioration programme;

Mouse Tones increase- Flexibility exercises - gymnastics - are offered to all clients through any treatment - are on the beach as part of the Talgo resource under the leadership of an experienced teacher.

Treatment courses:

"Great recovery."4 procedures per day at the appointment of a doctor and at the request of the client are drawn from the following procedures: dry massage or massage under water, Sharko shower, bath gymnastics in the pool, algae, pearl baths, gymnasium in the room.

"Young mom"4 procedures per day, one of which is necessarily a gymnasium in the basin, takes place 3-10 weeks after delivery, helps to overcome fatigue, irritability, increase muscle tone. If necessary, the electromulation of the muscles of the pelvis is added.

After 40:4 procedures per day (a total of 6 algae sessions, 2 relaxation sessions in the hall or pool, 2 sessions of the session

Multifunctional pool, 6 general health-care procedures, 6 cosmetics).

Energy:On a daily basis, 3 procedures from the General Surveillance Course (one of which is gymnastics in the basin) + individual cardiotraining programme, monitored by a doctor in the gym, cycling. An electrocardiogram (80 Euro) is recommended before the course.

"Laughter"1st and 4th days - mechanical anti-cellulose massage, string shower, multifunctional pool exercise, cooling gel on legs. 2nd and 5th days - mechanical anti-cellulose massage, lymphatic drainage, algae mass extraction, multifunctional pool. 3rd and 6th days - mechanical anti-cellulite massage, pearl bath, gymnastics in the pool, massage. Dietologist counselling.

"Attten in the legs." 4 procedures per day, one of which is gymnastics in the pool.

"Talasso Rest"Restoration, rest and prevention of health, duration of 6 days, 4 daily procedures - 3 individual procedures (burning bath with hydromassage, submarine shower, moisture shower, Sharko, algotherapia, press therapy, hydroget, massage) + 1 group exercise (Talgo hymnastic, rehabilitative airbase, compulsory submarine,

"Talgo Kisslorod" It helps to eliminate tobacco dependence - 4 daily talasso procedure - 2 individual daily procedures (hydmassage bath, underwater shower, steep shower, Sharko, algotherapia, press therapy, hydroget, massage) + 1 daily mass of group exercise (Talgo Gemnastic, seaflight +

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