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Osteopathy center in Riga

Hotel description

The Latvian centre of osteopia is based on the Baltic Osteopatic Association, which is founded on 23 June 1998 and re-registered on 16 September 2005 in the Baltic Osteopatic Society.

All physicians attending the centre have the post of " Osteopathia Doctor " , certified by a diploma in accordance with the international standard. They constantly upgrade their qualifications and improve knowledge in international courses and seminars. The Centre cooperates with osteopaths from around the world.

Osteopathic treatment
Osteopia is a science of health management based on basic sciences: anatomy, physiology, hystology, biomechanics. Presents one of the science medicine schools. The osteopathy is based on a holistic approach to human organism and health. From the point of view of osteopathy, health is a harmony in the functional unity of the three systems: skeletal muscle, nervous and psychological and internal systems. The osteopathic treatment can be successfully combined with other medical methods.

Physical therapy
The centre ' s physical therapy is provided with a set of physical methods and exercises aimed at restoring physical efficiency and is selected according to the health condition of the patient. In most cases, physiotherapy is a prerequisite for successful osteopathic treatment.

Homeopathic treatment
Basic principles and thinking of osteopathy and homopathy are similar and are always aimed at finding health rather than disease and its symptoms. The main instrument of osteopathy is hands, and the homophobic uses some form of medication.
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