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Rudolfinerhaus Clinic

Hotel description

The Rudolfinerhaus clinic, based in 1882, is today one of the most modern and comfortable private clinics in Europe. The clinic offers its patients the best doctors, highly skilled care and a 5-star hotel. The well-equipped rooms, a great kitchen that produces food based on patients ' wishes, a green park creates a climate of cozy and peace. The clinic ' s patients are major international policies, artists, businessmen. The clinic is located inVienna

The presence of a Russian-speaking medical officer provides patients with the perfect comfort in treatment. For a period of two days, the clinic conducts full or direct diagnostics on an individualized programme based on better modern equipment. The survey provides medical treatment to one of the 350 high-level doctors of the clinic and, where necessary, specialists from other health facilities in Vienna are invited to conduct consultations and surgery.

In comfortable clinic rooms, every patient has access to cable television, telephone and the Internet. Individual robes, electrically controlled beds and daily periodicals are offered. The Rudolfinerhaus clinic now has more than 100 stylished single and two-person numbers.

diagnosis and treatment

  • surgery;
  • Oncology;
  • cardio-surgery;
  • Allergology;
  • Psychiatry (stress management, sleep impairment).


  • magnetic resonance tomography;
  • Computer-axis tomography: scanning, full radiological diagnosis of colour ultrasound;
  • Nuclear medical studies necessary for accurate diagnosis of cardiovascular violations, as well as different organ and system;
  • modern methods of diagnosis of hearts and respiratory organs.

Modern cryo-surgery

The clinic uses unique cancer treatment. This is the use of dosed low temperatures for the destruction of new education. Through this method, excellent results have been achieved in the treatment of cancers in skin, liver, pancreas, anorectical area, breasts, oralingological and gynaecological fields.

Surgical Division

3 modern operating rooms equipped for all surgical specialties.

Allergological Centre

The Rudolphinerhouse Clinic offers full diagnosis and treatment for one session in cooperation with the University College of Oralingology clinic.

Stress Centre

The post-disaster provocative test determines the intensity, quality and duration of the stress caused by a person in the near past, allowing for optimum therapy.

Sleep laboratory

Equipment for research and diagnosis of different sleep violations:

  • Subjective and objective assessments;
  • with optimum treatment: psychotherapy, somatic and medication.
How to book?
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