New Israeli medicine
It is no secret that the glory of the creative dance of Israeli doctors and scientists has long left the limits of the Israeli State. We're bringing to your attention the current news of Israeli medicine.
Operation without anesthetic and surgical cuts
The miracle of nature is what we call a unique phenomenon that defeats us with its beauty and unusuality. But it's not astonishing, and it's amazing, man-made man-made man-made man-made. The international symposium on therapeutic ultrasound, held in March 2016, was again able to see this. Tel Aviv (sighs)Israel)
Genetic tests in pregnancy. I will.
During pregnancy, a genetic consultation is an important and necessary component during the diagnosis of fertility deviations. Such consultations are also held with regard to those persons suspected of being the bearers of genetic diseases and in establishing a tendency to become infected with a genetic component. Genetic counselling is provided by medics in the event of suspicion or on the basis of data provided by the attending physician regarding the presence of genetic flaw or disease in the fruit/born/child and/or adult.
Violation of stereotyping
No one argues that a healthy lifestyle is a healthy diet. Even so, the issue should be approached in a reasonable manner, not in extreme extreme extremes, such as health. However, it is not worth blaming the custom itself, as it relies on the views of scientists and health professionals who make recommendations for proper nutrition based on serious scientific research. What if, from time to time, the same scientists, thanks to new research, are destroying existing stereotyping about healthy food?
If you want to go through diagnosis or treatment in Israel,
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