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Language camps abroad are a simple path to complex languages

Your child wants to learn a foreign language, but the school curriculum won't make it quick and effective? Give him a great vacation.Language camp abroad!

Language camp abroad- It is the simplest, effective and pleasant way for a child to learn a foreign language with maximum comfort and minimum efforts. The rapid and qualitative acquisition of linguistic knowledge and skills is facilitated by:
Full immersion in the language environment by communicating with peers from different countries;
Training with highly qualified teachers who are speakers of the language;
The use of vocational education programmes based on the latest authoritative methods.

The Yana Tourism Company offers a large choice of language camps for children of different ages in many European and Asian countries, as well as in Australia, the United States and Canada. We work only with the best and proven partners who can provide your children with comfortable and safe living conditions, quality food and an enriched faculty program.

What are the children ' s language camps?

Language camps abroad They operate mainly during school holidays and are traditionally located in educational institutions (schools, universities). Such accommodation not only ensures the optimum conditions for language learning, but also enables the use of all sports facilities, playgrounds and developing studios.

In addition to improving knowledge and communication skills, Language camps abroad Children have all conditions to:
  • It's interesting and fun to spend your free time.
  • Better to meet the country ' s values, culture and traditions;
  • To get new friends.
As you approach Yana's specialists, you will receive the most democratic travel prices, competent advice and informational support.No all the necessary documents. Call us, and we'll answer all your questions.

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