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A sports camp abroad is an active holiday among uniforms.

Sports camp abroadNot only the future Olympic champions, but every modern child. This is an excellent opportunity to encourage a child to engage in active physical activity (especially after a busy school year) and to remove him from endless computer games and television.

It's obvious that sports camp kids are the first place to play sports. At the same time, the camp may be multi-sporting, offering many different disciplines (including extremes) and specialized.

Programmes related to:

  • football;
  • Tennis;
  • basketball;
  • swimming;
  • Alpineism;
  • Upper drive.

The Yana Tourist Company can offer you travel to the best sporting foreign camps around the world. Our partners have been tested for successful multi-year cooperation, so you may have no doubt that your child will rest well, gain physical strength and perhaps even start professionalizing any kind of sport.

Why would you choose a foreign sports camp?

Choose to rest Sports camp abroad, you get a few advantages at once, allowing your child:

  • try and develop various sports;
  • To receive communication in a foreign language;
  • Strengthening character;
  • become more disciplined;
  • To learn to concentrate your attention.

Children work with professional coaches in specially trained areas. Young sportsmen are often offered a special menu due to the intense physical burden. As a rule, in addition to regular training, the programme also includes comrades tournaments, visits to sports events and follow-up games, as well as recreational activities and interesting tours.

Our company will help you choose a foreign sports camp that will bring your child maximum benefit and pleasure. In addition, we will prepare the entire package of travel documents. Call to find out more.

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