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Clinic Lemanic

Hotel description

Since the opening of Clinic Lémanic, the clinic ' s visibility has been steadily increasing both within and outside Switzerland. With the continuous development and introduction of new technologies into practice, today the clinic can offer patients a unique combination of medical, surgical and aesthetic methods.

In its simplicity of dilapidated premises, the clinic united dermatology, estetic and reconstructive surgery, laser therapy and clinical studies, which deal with the treatment and rehabilitation of leather beds, as well as a semetic medical unit dealing with beauty and the prevention of skin ageing. You can relax here in a calm atmosphere with your hands full of specialists.

Clinic Lemanic is founded in 1998 by Dr. Veronica Emmenegger and Darrell Jacobs. Since then, its credibility has been steadily increasing and the clientele has become increasingly numerous. In its premises (more than 1,200 m2), it combines dermatology, laser therapy and clinical research. F

The clinic is located in the centre of Lausanne, 30 minutes from the international airport in Geneva.
Clinic Lemanic offers treating skin-breed diseases and cosmetics for health and skin beauty. The clinic has one of the best laser equipment in Europe, has advanced laser technology and has a lot of dermatology experience.

The clinic uses several methods that can be applied in an integrated or separate manner in order to eliminate the wrinkle. These include various laser procedures, such as carnage removal (resurfacing) by means of CO2 lasers and Erbium, Botox injections or Restylane.

The use of lasers in dermatology for the treatment of vitiligo and psoriasis enables the processing of strictly defined leather areas. In addition, there are lasers in the clinic for the removal of spying spots, the smoothing of scars and the reduction of plants. They may be used separately or in addition to chemical pyling. Lastly, problems relating to receptacles are now also addressed through appropriate lasers, which are able to remove the purchase of a person, angio or small veins on the legs.

Among the many targeted procedures and treatments we would like to introduce you to the laser epilepsy. Clinical specialists can handle any type of skin, with special attention to safety and efficiency. In addition, there is a " Body Cross " office in the clinic, where Spa is offered to clients, as well as a gamma of cosmetics for a person and body, taking into account the skin characteristics, including very sensitive ones.
CHECK-UP. Medical examination for women and men

The total cost of the 8,000-square survey includes the following surveys and services:
  • Exhausted blood analysis (biochemia, sugar, hidden allergy, micronutrients, vitamin deficiency, hormones, oxide stress, carcinogen markers and genetic markers, etc.) including a written report of the specialist doctor + individual nutrition plan for normalization of exchange processes
  • urine analysis
  • Headform
  • Consultancy
  • Conclusion of all written analyses and surveys
Additional for women:
  • Ultrasound or x-ray of dairy glands (provided that the last X-ray was made not less than a year ago)
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Densimetry (test of bone density for osteoporosis warning)
  • Final consultation of the gynaecologist on the results of the above surveys
Additional for men:
  • MRI Prostates
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • When detecting pathologies, urologist consultation
Costs also include:
  • Interpretation into consultations
  • Translation of all medical documents (specialist opinions)
For information:There are many cheque-ups in the medical services market, which include blood tests on basic indicators and a doctor-patient consultation. These check-ups are only good as the first step of the survey and do not give a complete picture of the patient ' s health. Based on our check-up, your patients will have a clear and clear picture of their health.
In addition, the cost of both interpretation and translation services is generally paid additionally for interpretation services at an hourly rate of approximately 100 to 120 per hour (depending on the interpreter).

Lasers used by Clinic Lemanic:
  • LaserDiodes, LightSheer 800mm (Coherent)
  • LaserRuby, free running Epitouch 694mm (Sharplan)
  • LaserNd:YAG, Medlite IV 1064/532nm Q-Switched (ConBio)
  • LaserCO2, 10600m (Sharplan)
  • LaserErbium, Ultrafine 2940mm (Coherent)
  • LaserRuby, Q-Switched Epitouch 694mm (Sharplan)
  • LaserKTP, Aura 532nm (Laserscope)
  • LaserPulsedDye, Scleroplus
585/590/595/600m (Candela)
  • LaserNd:YAG, Lyra long pulse 1064mm (Laserscope)
  • LaserExcimer AL 7000, Xtrac 308mm (Photomedex)
  • LaserEsteluxPulsed Light system (Palomar)

  • Laser beard treatment
    Each type of beard needs a laser. The surge laser is perfect for treating the beards of the basement. Vascular laser is suitable for the treatment of beards on other parts of the body, in particular beards around nails, which are difficult to cure by classical means; it ensures the education of healthy, not deformed, as is the case after surgery, nails.
    Evidence:Handbags on the outside of hand and feet; cartridges around fingernails; warheads not classic
    Treatment method:CO2 and Erbium lasers produce polar abrasion(s) of beards, ensuring a sharp degree of deepening. Local anesthesia is used for complete comfort.
    Vascular laser offers a more elegant solution and has a great success among patients, since it does not produce an early wound, because with light energy, blood vessels feeding the beard are being removed. Anesthesia is not necessary.
    Programme:4 sessions on average, depending on the type of beard. Sometimes one session is enough.
    Results:In general, very good. Great if the bourgeois are easily cured
    Benefits:Compared to traditional surgery, recovery is much faster. There is no need to interrupt sports and day-to-day activities.
    For beards around nails, this method is preferable.
    Used lasers:
    Laser Erbium 2940mm (Coherent)
    Laser PulsedDye Scleroplus 585/590/595/600m (Candela)

    Laser removal of brown good quality stains
    Laser allows for the rapid and effective removal of good quality pigmental disorders of different origins: brown stains of ageing, solar stains in arms, face and body, and stains resulting from inflammation and infections (Neverus of OTA, pietal hair stains, coffee and milk stains).
    Evidence:Good brown stains on the face and the body, good quality pigments of different origins, Nevusa.
    /Treatment method:Pigmental laser equilibriums unwanted stains on his face and body. Simple and fast, no risk of scarring. There is no need for anaesthetics and interruption of active activity.
    Programme:1 session sufficient, except for special cases of neus
    Results:The disappearance of pigmental stains. Improving skin quality

    Remodeling or laser face, neck and decolate
    The use of some lasers and light beams improves skin quality and reduces surface wrinkles almost without side effects without resorting to surgery or interrupting normal lifestyles. This method is suitable for all men and women concerned with the preservation of young skin. Recommended after 30 years as prevention of ageing.
    Evidence:For the prevention of ageing, for the maintenance of results after laser smoothing of deep wrinkles (Resurfacing).
    Treatment method:Lasers and light beams are selectively inducing an increase in the inner temperature, which is particularly conducive to the formation of neocollagen vibrlasts.
    Programme:Treatment course from 5 sessions 1-2 times a year
    Results:Immediate result: creates an overall rejuvenation effect
    Long-term result: slows the emergence of wrinkles and supports leather stubbornness and beautiful face colour
    Benefits:Could also be applied in the area of neck and decorate. Minimum side effects.
    Active lifestyles and professional activities should not be interrupted.
    An ideal method of preventing ageing for those who lead a very active life while taking care of their image.
    Note:Laser rejuvenation (Remodeling) does not replace the laser smoothing of deep wrinkles (Resurfacing), but is sometimes recommended after it to maintain the result for a longer period.

    Laser leather removal
    Vascular laser can effectively, quickly and painlessly treat newly formed stretches (pink and purple). The treatment of any parts of the body is perfectly safe.
    Evidence:Recent stretches (pink and purple)
    Treatment method:Laser light beam is evenly distributed by processed
    skin surface. Treatment leads to a purple coming in a few days. No anesthesia required.
    Programme:1-2 sessions
    Results:Generally excellent
    Benefits:The procedure is almost painless, often 1-2 sessions. Significant vegetation dehydration, improvement of skin structure
    Note:This treatment is not suitable for tan or dark skin. Other treatment methods are better for white and old plants

    Flexible Laser Removation (RDC)
    The use of combinations of different light beams makes it possible to quickly eliminate brown spots and unethical red expansions of receptacles. However, side effects are minimized and skin structure is improving. It is recommended that this method be applied when the first signs of leather photos of extinction occur.
    Evidence:Initial stage heliodere (extended leather with appearance, due to frequent stay in the sun, wrinkles, brown stains and unethical red receptacles).
    Treatment methodThe Q-switched lasers contribute to the formation of a new collagina of vibration regions and to the purification of pigment stains; the vascular lasers remove the colouring from a sample photocoagulation.
    Programme:4-8 sessions, 15 days interval.
    Results:It's very good for the right treatment.
    Benefits:Treatment can also be used in the neck, decolt and in the hands. The side effects are moving fast. There is no need to interrupt active life and professional activities. An ideal method of preventing ageing for those who lead a very active life while taking care of their image.
    Note:The combination of rejuvenation does not replace Resurfacing (laser declaration of wrinkles) in more complex cases (for deep wrinkles).

    Laser treatment of minor limbs
    There are lasers and light beams that can effectively treat tetanus and virizos of small and medium value on the legs, especially blue, purple or green. Non-invasive treatment, as it does not allow for the use of such heavy and radical methods as surgery. This method
    It also replaces sclerotherapy (singing on the legs with sclerotic injections), which may interest those who avoid the injections.
    Evidence:Venus and viritic expansion of petty and medium values on legs
    Treatment method:Laser treatment causes photocoagulation. Intervention may take place without anesthesia, but it is recommended that patients with a large number of extended veins that prefer accelerated treatment be pre-empted.
    Programme:Depending on the stage of the disease: from one to several sessions
    Results:Great results in purple, blue and green veins. Different results in the treatment of red veins
    Benefits:Rapidly and efficiently, several sessions, highly estetic and non-traumatic (with no need for needles and no bleeding), there is no need for surgery. Side effects are virtually non-existent
    Note:Laser exposure is a little painful, but it lasts for a little while.
    For comfort, it's enough to put a coolant on. In some cases, treatment supplements stigmatization.
    The results are not momentary, but amazing.

    Laser remodeling: Dr. Simonin ' s method
    This method is used to prevent skin ageing and to treat difficult cases of rubber. It is a painless leather with golden electrodes in 18 carats (electronic). The method can be applied both independently and after chemical pyling, laser leather (resurfasing) or brathing.
    Evidence:Loss of leather elasticity on the face, neck and decolt, derma drowning, any kind of scar.
    Treatment method:Following an individual protocol, there are golden electrodes on the skin. Depending on the leather section, the ends of different species are triangles, cylindrical, etc.
    Programme: Prevention of skin ageing: an average of 10 sessions; retreatment 1-2 times a year
    Scar treatment: 6-8 sessions.
    Results:The skin is tightened (face and decolte), toneous effects and colour improvement, anti-starting effects, smoothing of scars of any kind.
    It fits for any type of skin, it's amazingly good portability, anti-indication unknown.
    Note:Method of painless: with the latest technological developments, there is no need to inject electrodes - enough to carry them on the skin surface.

    Liquiligo laser treatment
    Clinis Lemanic is the first in Switzerland to use the revolutionary technology of the Excimer laser for the treatment of vitiligo stains and various depigmentations (scrams, etc.)
    Speculations: Fragile Vitalion, various depigments
    Treatment method:Laser Excimer releases ultraviolet wave beams of 308 nm, with very clear effect on the chosen site in a very short time period. Treatment is painless and does not require medication. This method is particularly good for patients with low-range vitiligo.
    Programme:At least 10 sessions should be envisaged, first two sessions, then one session per week. Depending on the phototype, the results become visible only after several sessions.
    Results:Good or great (especially on the face). Different results in the treatment of stains in arms and legs. In rare cases, vitiligo is not treated
    Benefits:Good results can be achieved even after poor treatment by traditional methods; the laser used can treat clearly selected areas, there is no risk of exposure to healthy skin; fewer sessions are required than phototherapy; a high cosmetic result.
    Note:It fits to cure a weak vitiligo.
    Used laser:Laser Excimer AL 7000 Xtrac 308 nm (Photomedex)

    Laser removal of tattoos
    In contrast to the lasers of the first generation, modern lasers enable the removal of amateur, professional, cosmetic and surgical tattoos effectively and without scars.
    Evidence:Privacy and professional tattoos, accidental injury tattoos, cosmetics (brovies, lips)
    Treatment method:Q-Switched lasers and various wavelengths are collected according to the colour of tattoos. These lasers allow for selective removal of tattoos by progressive and selective leather penetration by the chosen light.
    /Programme:The number of sessions depends on the origin, distribution, depth and limitations of the tattoo. Typically, 2-4 sessions will be required to remove amateur tattoo and at least 5 sessions to remove a professional.
    Results:Great rapid results in the treatment of traumatized tattoos (shoes, powders under the skin of the explosion). Typically, good results in treating amateur tattoos. Normally, there are also excellent results in the treatment of cosmetic tattoos, although more seances are usually required (e.g. removal of lip-conete).
    Some colors are harder to remove. After treatment, skin structure is very good.
    Benefits:Treatment is fast and it doesn't require training. The treatment may be carried out at all sections of the person and body. There are no further scars (a slight change in structure and pygment is possible).
    Note:The sunscreen should be used before the full recovery.

    Laser face wrinkle treatment (Resurfacing)
    Resurfacing, or laser declaration of wrinkles, allows for the reappearance of youth and skin thinness, and it's just for one session and without surgery! It's going to be amazing, with a perfectly natural, deplorable effect. This methodology is particularly appropriate for patients with light skin. Resurfacing can also be successfully used to treat different skin diseases of a person who is not adjusted surgically, for example, epidermic neus or angiophybromia.
    Evidence:Progressive heliodermia (extended skin of wrinkles due to asth stay in the sun)
    Treatment method:They produce a polar abrasion of epiderma and partly derma. Simultaneous application of CO2 and Eurobium lasers provides a more flexible technical approach and enables it to be adapted for each case. Through its thermal effect and its ability to pull skin, the CO2 laser is necessary for the implementation of the leather brathing. The procedure requires anesthetic.
    Programme:One procedure under local or common drug, depending on the site.
    Results:A shocking effect of global rejuvenation. Effect of natural lyphthing without
    Benefits:One session. The shocking result remains long. The procedure takes place in an ambulatory setting.
    Note:The recovery period is 10 to 15 days.
    Solar protection should be used throughout the post-operative period (6 months)

    Since recently, two new technologies have complemented the already extensive gamma of the proposed clinic, the factional laser and thermage.

    Sliphage of fractional laserIt's possible to spread the wrinkles by reducing their depth. However, the rehabilitation period is eased and skin recovery is very fast.
    A sample laser processing of microscopic cylindrical holes between which the skin remains intact is carried out in one or more sessions. Thanks to this recovery, it only takes a few days. In addition, as part of traditional lasers, photothermolesis is used, allowing for deep skin processing.
    This method may be used for a person and body, for example, to rejuvenate the neck, decolt, hand. It also reveals different scars and stretches and does not require anesthetic.

    Termgives the opportunity to return the depressing skin tone and stiffness. To this end, the skin is treated by radio waves that encourage the development of the collagine in its deep layers.
    This method is of particular interest because it allows for the processing not only of the face but also of other parts of the body where the skin is losing its turmoil: the forehead, the eye, the eye, the stomach, the inner side of the hip, the hands. The operation takes place in one session, without surgery and the risk of scarring, and practically without side effects.
    How to book?
    / / / / Clinic Lemanic