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Hotel description

  • Address: Windsor, Berkshire SL4 6DW
  • Head of school: Mrs Little
  • Year of reason: 1440
  • Beauty: The English Church.
  • School status: Boys School 13-18. Life at school is probably 13 years old.
  • Number of pupils: 1304, (full board) 1304.

Eton College location

Eton College is located in the same city of Iton, Berkshire County on the Temza River 20 miles west of London and near Windsor.

Eton College

Eton College was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI to prepare young people to serve God and the State. Initially, there were only 70 Royal Students or Collegers who lived at the College and were studying free of charge, and several students from Eton, Oppidans, who were to pay for their education. On 1 July 1444, a unique friendly agreement (amicabilis concordia) was signed between Eton College, King's College in Cambridge, Winchester College and New College Oxford. The relationship between Winchester and New College was a model for Eton and King's. Four colleges agreed to always support each other in common cases, courts and disputes. So far, college representatives have invited each other to the anniversary and other events.

Most ancient school buildings Eton College including the church, the chapel, junior high school and the main building built during the formation of the Canuli College in the summer. Today, Eton is a civilized enclave, a whole modern architecture complex. It's one of the most equipped schools in England. A lot of school buildings are in the city's line, surrounded by beautiful parks, play fields for tennis, golf and football.

Eton College has several libraries with remarkable collections of rare books and manuscripts. A large pool of highly qualified teachers with vast academic potential has an impact on learning outcomes. Examination successes allow most students to continue their studies in Oxbridge (Oxbridge).

Students show excellent results in special traditional competitions of Eton Wall Game and Eton Field Game on various sports, both in open spaces and in sports halls.

Eighteen Prime Ministers, including Sir Alexander Douglas Home (Lord Home of the Hirsel), Douglas Hurd, Harold Macmillan, Lord Hailsham, Lord carrington, Antony Powell, Humphrey Liteleton, Matthew Pinsent.

Training in Eton College

Students aged between 13 and 18. Most students are enrolled in Eton school at the age of 13 and in exceptional cases at the age of 16. About 30 per cent of students are former students. To register at school, it is necessary to under 10 and a half years of age and to undergo pre-testing and interviews at 11 years. At the age of 12-13, registered candidates pass entrance examinations (common entrance). In order to enrol in 16 years, students are required to have estimates A of at least six academic subjects of GCSE (including A-level subjects). No special knowledge, skills and religious restrictions are required, although the school is being cared for by the English Church.

The GCSE programme in Eton College examines all major subjects (English and mathematics, three main sciences - biology, chemistry, physics, two languages - French and Latin or Greek - later added German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese. Boys also study religion, history and a number of practical and creative disciplines - design and technology, information technology, art, drama and music. In the upper classes, language choices are proposed for study: ancient0 грн.opean, eastern and Arabic. AS-level 26 items, A-level 22 subjects.

99% of graduates go to universities, 30% of them to Oxford and Cambridge. 4 per cent choose medicine and veterinary sciences, 20 per cent natural sciences and engineering, 74 per cent humanitarian and social sciences, 1 per cent art and design, 1 per cent music and theatre. The school uniform is mandatory everywhere throughout the education. A regular visit to the school church is envisaged, unless parents ask otherwise.

Strict discipline - if the student does not perform the homework, the student will be obliged to perform additional exercises. The smoking potato will be immediately removed from school.

More than 40 clubs and communities bring together students of all minds and interests. Since 1863, each trimester has been published by the Iton College Chronicle.

Eton College students are strong in music, drama and

art. More than 600 students play musical instruments. 20 musical groups include three orchestras, four choirs, two jazz bands, five cameras. There are two theatre studios in the specially constructed Farer theatre, where up to 20 plays per year.

Exchange visits are organized annually to Germany, France, Spain, Russia and Japan. Several students per year attend US-India exchange.

Life in Eton College

At Eton College today, some 1,300 boys are enrolled, all live in school dormitories, only in Eton, some 50 dormitories located in the Territory. All students have separate rooms. Masters of dormitories monitor compliance. There are qualified nurses and doctors in college. Visits to nearby town are permitted

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