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Hotel description

  • Address:1 High St, Harrow on the Hill, Middlesex HA1 3HT
  • Director: Mr B J Lenon
  • Year of reason: 1572
  • School status: For boys 13-18. Life at school is probably 13 years old.
  • Beauty: The English Church.
  • Number of pupils: 800, full board.

Harrow School location

The English private high school Harrow (Harrow) was founded in 1572 by royal decree of Elizabeth. It occupies about 360 acres of land on the Harrow Hills painting hills only 10 miles from London City. Instead of the usual Harrow campus, it's in essence a tree with great red and white domes scattered on the hills, a small lake, golf fields, a preacher and a farm.

Harrow School

For many centuries, Harrow School has been one of the best private boards in England and has been celebrated by its teaching methods, top-class equipment and high graduate achievements. The school uniform is a tie suit and a straw hat-canotier, a mandatory Harrow class. Solar hat isn't just a piece of formal clothes, but also a vision and a symbol of a special caste. Harrow raises students to adhere strictly to laws, traditions and ethics. Boys in costumes always pick up hats when they meet the lady. Teachers reading Harrow lectures are required to be exposed to traditional old-fashioned plates.

The excellent results of the examinations meet the high standards of English education in Harrow. The success of the training courses is measured by 14 parameters, theoretical and practical, of material, progress in written replies, laboratory work and other criteria stored in the teacher ' s computer. Harrow has 120 teachers per 785. Separate education allows students to be more focused, targeted and shy.

Traditionally, the Harrow (Harrow) trains many people from English aristocracies and higher lights in other countries. The most talented students from all over the world are trying to learn here with the royal family's spears. Each Harrow School graduate remains a member of the school community (community). In a closed hierarchy

English communication societies acquired in school years are indeed priceless.

The high-ranking graduates of European Governments and positions at the highest levels of administration of United States banks are particularly proud. Harrow finished Lord Byron and Sheridan, 5 Prime Ministers of England and Sir Winston Churchill, King Hussein, Prince Alexandre of Tunisia, physics and Nobel Laureate Lord Reilly, inventor of photographs of Fox Talbot and many other celebrities. The names of current Harrow pupils are not accepted. The names of former Harrow caregivers (old boys) are scratched on the oak walls of the old hall of assembly. A lot of three hundred years or more. Winston Churchill, modestly tiny letters, cut his name off the front door, and here's a student named Byron who didn't have an exemplary behavior, cut his name 19 times.

Old boys award award awards to succeeding generations of students, award scholarships, finance the renovation and construction of buildings, pay for modern technical equipment, participate actively in the Board of Trustees.

Training in Harrow School

All students are divided into 5 years of study, Remove, Lower Fifth, Lower Sixth, Upper Sixth. As boys come from a wide range of schools in 13 years, Shell is an educational year and all students study English, French, mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, history, geography, Latin or civilization history, religious education, art, music, projects and technology, information technology, physical education. Greek, German and Spanish may be offered by boys with linguistic abilities.

The second and third years of training (Remove, Lower Fifth) are devoted to preparations for GCSE. By the end of the third year, everyone is studying English, English literature, French, mathematics, religious studies and science, and is developing skills in studying skills. Additional choices include history, geography, Latin, Greek, German, Spanish, Italian, biology, chemistry, physics, art, music, projects and technology.

The fourth and fifth years of study (Sixth Form) in A-level teach 25 subjects. Most sixth-grade students study four subjects on AS and three subjects on A-level. To choose English literature,

French, German, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Greek, history, geography, economy, business, ancient history, political research, religious studies, mathematics, biology, physics, design, technology, physical education, music, art history. Each student at Harrow will be able to choose a rational combination of items to reach the highest level for admission to Oxford or Cambridge.

Class size depends on age: in junior classes up to 20 students, in high school, the number of pupils is rarely higher than 15.

A detailed performance report is sent to parents at the end of each trimester. All cafes are equipped with computers and audio-visual tools. Lecturers from the outside are invited to stimulate interest in various subjects. Regular expeditions and exchange visits to France and Germany, Jordan, Austria, Greece are organized annually.

The new library Vaughan Library is included in the main computer network and is the foundation of Harrow ' s academic life. 26,000 books, including old and rare books, large selection of CDs, Internet access.

95 per cent of graduates go to universities, but 50 per cent of graduates in the sixth form before entering university make a one-year break. 20 per cent of graduates enter Oxford or Cabridge (Oxbridge).

The school uniform is mandatory until the sixth grade. No misconduct is permitted. The late students are severely punished. In Harrow, an obsessed student writes from 200 to 1,000 lines of "I always come in time." The failure to complete the homework will be followed by additional tasks mandatory for the day. Smoking or drugs are excluded from school.

Survival in Harrow School

At school, 785 boys between 13 and 18 years of age are enrolled in the dormitory. Most go to Harrow at 13 and some at 16 years. The parents of 20 per cent of pupils had previously studied in Harrow. 10% of foreigners. All 11 dormitories - Houses compete with each other and interact harmoniously, maintaining differences, their own rules and traditions. The good and creative atmosphere is in every House. School drop

At the dormitories, it is possible to pay personal attention to education and to care for students. Teachers and their families live in dormitories. A teacher is appointed to assist them. Their mission is to ensure the well-being of each boy, his spiritual development and his academic success. The teacher is the main contact person for parents at school. Qualified nurses and doctors will be assisted by a 24-hour school health centre.

The first three or six trimesters share a room with a boy of the same age. 70 per cent of pupils live in separate rooms. For the whole semester, it's his personal space, where his things are stored, posters or photographs of where he performs his homework and just spends a considerable amount of time. Students can use the kitchen that is in every house, as well as sports facilities, gardens and a common room with newspapers, television and videos.

The school is famous for art, theatre and music. 66% of students play music tools, over 10 orchestras, groups, choirs. Shakespeare's annual theatre.

Extensive sports fields and a 25-metre basin in Harrow offer excellent training and competition opportunities for talented athletes and enables them to be less gifted. The most popular sports rugby, cricket, football. Other sports include athletics, crosses, gymnastics, basketball, Badminton, swimming, water polo, ridge, sailing, shooting, bow shooting, end sport, polo, judo and caraté. And the tennis and squash that was actually invented in Harrow in the 19th century! Golf areas are available for a year round. Harrow is regularly conquered by national boxes on various sports. Sports tours to Australia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Japan and South Korea, USA, Switzerland, Jordan, Portugal and Ireland are being organized. The possibility of joining local and national aviation clubs, alping, chess, fishing, history.

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