The hotel is located in the town of Montekatini Terme in Italy, famous for its many thermal sources.
Distance to Florence airport is 43 km, Piza airport is 63 km, and Montekatini Chentro is 600 m.
You can go up to Montekatini Alto, an old city on the top of a mountain with an amazing view.
The distance to the famous thermal cities is 700 metres.
A thermal station known throughout the world, one of the most technically equipped in Italy, is located in the Toscan region ' s landings and near the Apennin mountains. There are several thermal centres: Exelsior, where all types of treatment procedures, including drinking treatment; Tettuccio, where a potable loll is located; Regina, balneoprocedures and phenotherapy; Leopoldine, inhalation, aerosols, baths; Grocco, physiotherapy, Redi, vans.
Mineral water with hydrocarbonate - sulphate-natry composition with large salt concentrations (for drinking) and hydrocarbonate - sulphate- iodine composition (Julia and Leopoldine - for baths and souls, Grocco - to insist on thermal muds). Sources of Tamerici, the Medievals of Toretta and Regina, the delighted ones of Tetucci and Rinfresco are classified as salt. Maximum temperature of 33.5°.
Currency treatment
- the condition of the propulsion system (artrosis, post-injury complications);
Diseases of the stomach-kid tract: disinfections of the desired paths, bulits;
- Diseases of the upper respiratory paths: rinites, poringitis, laringitis, sinusitis;
- skin diseases (dermatitis).
Procedures: pengotherapy (filamental appliation), whipping, massage, inhalation, irrigation, aerosols, baths, showers, treatment gymnastics, physiotherapy.