35 square metres. A room with a broad bed of "king-size " , handwritten furniture, air conditioner, latuna lights and couch-bread. There\'s a bathroom with a shower, bathroom supplies and skin care facilities with the Dead Sea minerals.
2 adults and 1 child.

Memories Aicha Luxury Camping at Wadi Rum
Hotel description
Among the fabulous landscapes of the Valley of Wadi Ram or the Luna Valley, as they call it, in the red sands and furious rocks, elite camping has been laid. Memories Aicha Luxury Camping at Wadi Rum. The beautifully built, luxury seas are like a space settlement on the surface of Mars for no reason, because it is the Jordanian national park, Wadi Ram, with its non-terrestrial landscape, that has been used many times as sites for the films known, including several episodes of the Star Wars, Lawrence Aravian, Marsian and one of the parts of the Trans.
Despite the desert and remote location, Memories Aicha Luxury Camping is very popular with tourists who are attracted by: alpineism, colored eastern culture, safari-tours on camels, horses or off-roaders, and ancient nascular drawings. Travellers Memories Aicha Luxury are accessible by comfortable numbers, restaurants, entertainment programmes, entertainment tours and other proposals that will turn Rest in Jordan in an unforgettable and fabulous event.
Camping guests can be accommodated in comfortable and comfortable circuits of different categories with bathrooms and air conditioners.
35 square metres. A humid east boat with two single beds, handwritten furniture, air conditioner, latuna lighters and couch-bread. The room contains a bathroom with showers, bathing supplies and skin care facilities with the Dead Sea minerals.
2 adults and 1 child.
50 square metres. Representative suite with the living room and the bathroom. The room contains a bed of king-size and couch-blood. Also, there\'s a bathroom with a shower, toilet supplies and a cosmetics of the Dead Sea. Besides this, there are manual furniture, air conditioner, latunae lighter, long chair.
Three adults and one child.
Area 32 square metres. A low-lying two-stop shop with a panoramic view and a large bed of "king-size " , hand-work style, air conditioner and latuna lighters. There\'s a bathroom with a shower, bathroom supplies and skin care facilities with the Dead Sea minerals.
Two adults.
Memories Aicha Luxury Camping at Wadi Rum is 75 km from King Hussein ' s International Airport, located in the port city of Akabe.