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Botswana Adventures

round year
10 days / 9 nights
Price per person
from 6 890 $


A 10-day package of Botswana Explorer is an incredible opportunity to open up one of the best wildlife and wildlife on Earth.

Marshrut begins with the study of the mighty Zambezi River and the waterfall of Victoria in Livingstone. Then you go to Chobe National Park, Kalahari Desert and McGagadi Pance National Park.

Travel ends in Delta Okavango, one of the most popular wildlife corners in the world. Delta Okavango provides an opportunity to dwell on the wild African environment that many dreams of, from the observation of large animals and predators to the tranquillity and indignity of the nature of extraordinary beauty.



Bingo night.
Type of location


AVANI Victoria Falls Resort, Livingston, ZambiaBB
2:00.Lodge Chobe GameChobe National ParkFI
2:00.Lodge Leroo La Tau, McGagadi Pance National Park


3:00.Xugana Island Lodge, Delta Okavango



Cost includes:
  • Meeting and welcoming at the airport
  • Transfer from the airport
  • Cruise at Zambezi sunset
  • All planned safari activities in Botswana
  • All transfers in Botswana.
Additional pay is paid:
  • International flights
  • Personal items
  • Councils and porters
  • All dishes are not listed as included
  • All additional activities

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