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MSC Cruises

Holidays in MSC Cruises

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Our advantages
30 years of experience in the luxury segment
We organize trips of any complexity
Individual approach and exceptional service
Direct contracts with the best hotels in the world
Concierge service and 24/7 support
Offices in Kyiv, Vienna, Dubai

The real point of travel is you'll understand as soon as you go to the MSC cruise.

To help you relax and restore your strength, to entertain, to discover the charm of the real cruise is a mission of our great staff, which will always be at your disposal to make you feel the luxury of traveling with MSC.

Even the smallest detail is important to us, so our service is perfect and a bunch of courtesy, sympathy and restraint.

When you land, the Captain and the on-board officers will meet you with a "Welcome" cocktail, which is just the beginning of a cruise, full of surprises.


To wake up after a refreshing dream, to look at the sea, to inhale his smell, to love his paints and to penetrate his beauty, these untransmitted feelings you can test every day.

In addition, for the more inflammatory customers, we have luxury sympathies with the balcony to help them deepen the magic atmosphere that the sea is giving.

Each cabin is filled with taste and elegance, which differs in the style of MSC vessels. It's all thoughtful, from flowers and materials to the smallest detail. Roscoe, convenience and services, like the best hotels, will make your vacation special.


MSC parents and children are always fun. Every ship has a mini-club where your children can be entertained at any time of the day.

They will be separated by age groups and they will play and have fun under the supervision of competent staff.

As long as the kids are entertaining, you can devote this time to each other and take advantage of the rest that everyone's looking for on vacation.

In the evening, if you want to have dinner together, go to the movies, theater, discotheques or go to the shore, use the paid services, baby siting, as agreed.


Good green baseball, fresh mozzarella and mature tomatoes. The Masters are connected to a newly-whipped Margarita pizza for your pleasure.

And this is one of the countless delicts you take on board.


The best Italian cuisine sails into a cruise. With you, the special dishes and the beef are waiting for you at the elegant tables in the company of the most famous Italian wines.

Our chef will give you the unique dishes of the world's most famous gastronomical kitchen.

In the course of the day, you will be able to drown the thirst for refreshing cocktails at any time. And a fresh-air appetite is going to beat the stews.

For those who love cooking, our chef has arranged special hastronomical meetings to bring pleasure to their countless recipes and the amazing taste of the Italian kitchen.

Navigational regions: Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, Western Mediterranean, North Europe, Europe + Kanara, South America

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