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Holidays in Antigua

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Antigua is an island State that was opened by Colombia in 1493. At first glance, the sailor and his team were struck by the unusual beauty of the terrain presented by coral reefs, magnificent mountain ridges, dried tropical forests, white beaches and quiet and cozy lagoons.

Rest in Antigua is a spark of eternal summer, exotic and paradise.

Today, there are many comfort hotels, sophisticated restaurants, air bars and nightclubs, casinos and entertainment complexes on the island. The country and its historical values are not shared. St. Jones's collection is the main pride.

Tours to Antigua from Ukraine are represented by magnificent beach holidays and impeccable service.

There are more than 365 first-class beaches on the island, the most popular are those located on the northwest coast. For those who are looking for solitude and silence, the beaches of the southwestern coast are perfect. Half Moon Bay Beach has the status of a National Park and is great for families and holidays with children.

Favorite places for tourists to visit are the Museum of Antigua and Barbuda, Fort Berkeley, Devil's Bridge, as well as English Harbor, where the yacht club and diving center are located. On the island of Barbuda, the Caribana Folk Festival is regularly held.

The resort has tennis courts, golf courses and dance classes. It is interesting to spend your leisure time by going on a tour of the surroundings, or visiting a cozy restaurant.

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