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Holidays in Brunei

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Brunei is one of the smallest nations in the world, most of which is tropical forests and non-like jungle. Part of the population lives in huts, which are on the waterway along the River Brunei.

What are the attractive tours to Brunei from Ukraine?

Brunei is part of the Islamic world, where there is little nightlier life, and rules of conduct are very strict. Tourism attracts many traditions and history. The only city and capital of the country is Bandar-Seri-Begawan. It has a well-developed infrastructure with modern buildings, broad roads and a large number of mosques and markets.
Holidays in Brunei is an acquaintance with the centuries-old traditions and culture of the East.

The pride of the country and its main attraction is the Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, which was built in 1958 and boasts impressive golden domes. With magnificent architectural forms and the largest private collection of cars in the world, the palace of the Sultan Istana Nurul Iman amazes.

Residents of the country devote a lot of time to sports. The large-scale sports complex Jerudong Park is under the personal patronage of the Sultan and consists of numerous venues, a stadium built according to Olympic standards and an amusement park.

Of particular interest to tourists is the Kampung Ayer area with 28 traditional pile villages and amazing architectural and historical complexes.
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