Holidays in Yawa Island

Yava Island is the administrative, cultural, historical and political centre of the country, which is where the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, the famous volcano of Krakatau and Mont Bromo, the National Reserve of Ujung-Kulon with the Japanese nosorogs, and the country ' s ancient cultural centre, the city of Jokaarta, which is celebrated by its universities, the art galleramas,
Here, the town of Surabaya is an industrialized city, the second largest in Indonesia, located in the eastern part of Yawa Island.
There is a large seaport, the country ' s metalworking and engineering industries, as well as oil refineries and chemical plants. Before the 1997 Asian economic crisis, the city experienced a rapid growth in industrial production.
There's a small number of sights in Surabaia, a gentle view of the zoo, an old port with traditional wooden vessels, a Mesjid Ampel mosque.
Tropical climate with a sufficiently stable temperature throughout the year: 28-32 °C. Climatic conditions differ from island to island, but in general, two seasons can be distinguished: rainy, from November to February and dry, from March to October. Moisture is quite high, on average between 75 and 95 per cent.
Average annual air temperature (°C):
+ 4 hours winter (+3 summer).
Before Jakarta, the capitals of Java are flying flights of major international airlines. From Moscow, the most convenient flights are a/ Singapore airlines via Singapore or a/ Transaero + Garuda. The flight from Jakarta to Jokjakarta or Surabai is 1.10 minutes.