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Monte Argentario

Holidays in Monte Argentario

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Monte Argentario is the peninsula in the Italian region of Toscan, which is connected to the dried three sands of two lagoons. Thanks to the soft climate and the unrepetitive landscape, this locality attracts many celebrities, including the royal family of Holland.

What are the attractions to Monta Argentario?

The main value of the resort is the highest point of the peninsula, Punta-Telegrapho (635 metres above sea level). There's a man's monastery and a restaurant offering a meal to the Toscan kitchen. There's also a panoramic view of the Toscan Archipelago. Argentario has three fortezza Spagnola, where exhibitions of ships and shipwrecks have been located.

Another noteworthy is the Panoramica Panorama Road, which not only passes across the perimeter of the peninsula but also opens a view to Korsica.

Port of the resort is marked by the existence of luxury boats and sailors of all kinds and sizes. Every year in the Peninsula, there are horticons and celebrates the city ' s day, which can be seen by amazing fireworks and degustation of exquisite wines.

Rest in Monta Argentario is the distance from noise, fuss and crowds of tourists, and this is a great opportunity to get into the atmosphere of calm and size.

The characteristics of the resort are soft and pleasant climate, hospitality and remoteness from noise megacities.

Tours in Monte Argentario are the opportunity to be alone with themselves in an environment of great nature and painting and to enjoy the atmosphere of calm, relaxation and hospitality.

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