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Riviera Maya

Holidays in Riviera Maya

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Our advantages
30 years of experience in the luxury segment
We organize trips of any complexity
Individual approach and exceptional service
Direct contracts with the best hotels in the world
Concierge service and 24/7 support
Offices in Kyiv, Vienna, Dubai

Riviera Maya A young resort 75 kilometres from Cancuna is located on the Caribbean Sea. The beautiful sand beaches, the lazurous smoothness of the waves, the proximity to the historic sights of the Maya culture and the famous thematic parks have given this dingly developing resort a remarkable reputation. The main European contingent. Riviera Maya is good for rest with children and family rest. The hotels are mostly below the palm height, most of the club hotels offer a nutrition system, "all of which are on. "

Cancun International Airport is located 75 kilometres from Rivier Maya. Many foreign airlines and Mexican airlines travel to Cancun.

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