Holidays in Desert Namibe

Namib Desert - The country ' s greatest wealth and the ancient desert of the world, its age is estimated by scientists in the 60-80 million years.
Deserts of the Namib are truly unique and inexplicable: bleak rocks, canyons of dry rivers, vast dunes that transcend all the shades of red, and squirrel empties intersect with salt platoons and oasis. The visual map of this area, the " red heart of the Namib desert " is the zone of the highest sand dunes on the planet. Soussville300 metres high. It's possible to look at this space panorama from the height of avian flight from the air balloon.
Totally dryland, where no rain drops in years, the desert is still saturated. In winter, the thirst animals are scattered around tiny water bodies, where almost all members of the Namibian fauna can be seen and photographed: various desert gass, antilops and straws, nosorogs, elephants and giraffes.
Flora Namiba is also surprising: there is a unique plant of "Velvia Mirbilis" or "pink of deserts, whose individual copies are up to 2,000 years of age, and the devlaya salt plateau can meet the Chagerak trees.
Most of the desert Namib is occupied by the National Park of Namib-- Naukleft - one of the world's largest. There are many unique landscape monuments within the park - the Velvia-Plains plains, Mount Naukluft, the Sandwich Harbor Avian Paradise, the Canyon Sesreem deeper to 30 metres and, of course, the dune surrounding Sosuflei Oasis.
The climatic is very dry with a negligible amount of precipitation, a temperature drop to 20 degrees, a day in the coldest months (June-August) the temperature rises to 15 to 20 degrees C, and the temperature may fall sharply to 0 C at night.
Various forms of active leisure activities are proposed: flights over desert balloons, safaris on desert lanes, observation of various animals in the Reserve NamibRand Nature Reserve♪