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SilverSea Cruises

Holidays in SilverSea Cruises

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Our advantages
30 years of experience in the luxury segment
We organize trips of any complexity
Individual approach and exceptional service
Direct contracts with the best hotels in the world
Concierge service and 24/7 support
Offices in Kyiv, Vienna, Dubai


Silver Sea's cruise company is the only cruise company in the world with official status 6*! There are no standard cabinets on this cruise company, only suite quarters are offered for accommodation. All cabinets are only natural material - expensive wood, leather, linear interriers are decorated by specially acquired stockings and other art objects.

Silver Sea ' s cruises are different from the other special approach and exquisite. A unique " All " system, which includes:

Eyes searched, wine from the best burials you can order for a number 24 hours a day, a mini bar, as you wish, free transfer to the city and tours on the shore at many destinations; entertainment to any taste: concerts, jazz evenings, musicals and films, lectures by famous researchers, stars, writers, art people, cooks and soy.

Silver Sea's liners have a special aristocracy atmosphere. Among the travelers, there is a need to meet prominent political elite, financiers, major industrialists, aristocracies.

Silver Sea offers 197 routes for 120 countries around the world, ranging from 6 to 110 days. You can get into the heart of Europe, go up the Amazon, celebrate the greatness of the Alaska glaciers, cross the Panama Canal, open up the paradise of the outer islands. The cruises shall be carried out in 9 directions in all parts of the world:
Africa and the Indian Ocean
Caribbean and Mexico
North Europe and the Baltic
South America and the Amazon
Alaska and the Pacific
Far East and Pacific
Transboundary Travel
World-light travel

Monte Carlo, Monaco - Bastia, Corsica, France - Rome, Italy - Ibiza, Spain - Palma de Mayorca, Spain - Valencia, Spain - Barcelona, Spain.

Monte Carlo, Monaco - Barcelona, Spain - Malaga, Spain - Gibraltar, Great Britain - Lisbon, Portugal - Porto, Portugal - La Rochelle, France - Bel Il, France - Sherbour, France - Longn

(Tower Bridge), Britain.

RIM - AFINES (7 days)
Rome, Italy - Sorrento, Italy - Dubrovnik, Croatia - Corfu, Greece - Mikonos, Greece - Athens, Greece.

THINGS - THINGS (12 days)
Stockholm, Sweden - Ornscoldswick, Sweden - Luleo, Sweden - Kokkola, Finland - Vaasa, Finland - Copenhagen, Denmark - Helsinkibor, Sweden - Varnemünde (Rock), Germany - René, Bornholm, Denmark - Gdancik, Poland - Wisbü, Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden.

SINGAPUR - DUBAI (15 days)
Singapore - Port-Kalang, Malaysia - O. Pinang, Malaysia - Port-Bleir, Adaman o-wa - Kochin, India - Mormugao, India - Bombay, India - Hasab, Oman - Dubai, OAE.

Puerto Caldera, Costa Rica - Esmeraldes, Ecuador - Salavery, Peru, Callao, Peru - Arika, Chile - Ikike, Chile - Antoniofagasta, Chile - Santiago, Chile.

Silver Sea offers these as well as many other cruise routes.


$6,900 per person

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