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Railway cruises

Holidays in Railway cruises

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Our advantages
30 years of experience in the luxury segment
We organize trips of any complexity
Individual approach and exceptional service
Direct contracts with the best hotels in the world
Concierge service and 24/7 support
Offices in Kyiv, Vienna, Dubai

To be in the most beautiful corners of another country, and all the way to enjoy the perfect comfort, the sophisticated kitchen and the care of... Isn't that what a traveler wants? It is possible to translate the dream into reality: to do so, we have to go to the cruise... on the railroad.

Cruises call such travel by accident: the purchase of luxury tour guide trains by their comfort do not give way to tourist lanes. There's all the thoughtful conveniences here, from air conditioners to marble baths.

Passengers are elegant cars bars, and even cars of clubs with panoramic windows. During the stop, guided tours of the most interesting sights.

... The trains of this level around the world will do. The most famous are Orient-Express. (One of the trains crosses all of Europe from Paris to Istanbul, the other goes along the southern coast of Australia, the third in Thailand and Malaysia). To African savannahs or to the waterfall, Victoria can travel on a train called The Blue Train. And those who maim mountains and green valleys of Scotland are waiting for the Edinburgh The Royal Scotman.

/ / / Railway cruises