Holidays in Monastire
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30 years of experience in the luxury segment

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Offices in Kyiv, Vienna, Dubai
PICTURE ID=1980 H=200 W=130 TABLE=resortMonastir is a resort town on the Mediterranean coast. He's on the coast 24 kilometres south of Sus. From the north to Monastira, the Skanes resort zone is adjacent to the international airport of President Habib Burgiba Monastira.
For the first time in Monastir, a tourist would probably immediately affect a combination of magnificent performances and structures with the provincial character of this small town. This seeming contradiction is simply explained by: Monastir is the home city of the first President of independent Tunisia, Habiba Burgiba. In the 1960s, up to 10 per cent of Tunisia ' s State budget was spent on the development of Monastira. There have been wide-ranging spectacles, beautiful squares that would honor any capital city, congress halls, a great safe and vice port for the yacht. The city was built with a size, "for growth." The great mausoleum of President Habib Burgiba is rising in the central area of Monastira.
Monastira's area is a beautiful place to rest at sea. There's a lot of walking places, a lot of comfortable restaurants and bars, souvenir shops. But night life isn't as big as Suss and Hammath resorts.
The population of Monastira is unexpectedly small, with only 30,000 inhabitants. In the absence of a tourist season, the city is almost dying, and the main life is warming only in the port area. During the summer, you will meet more foreign tourists than locals in the city ' s wide areas and spectacles.
Like most modern cities in Tunisia, Monastir is at the scene of an ancient Finnish colony founded in the V century before our age. The Finnish Ruth Penna and the Roman Ruspinna are of particular importance in VIII. In the modern name of the city, the influence of Christianity is felt. The fact is, in the first century of our era, the visas raised a powerful fortress here to protect the merchant port. The garrison of the fortress was the monk warriors (wiring time in prayers and in the reflection of the enemy) who were called the word " monastery " . That's the new name of the city. The subsequent Arab period of history in Monastira still resembles the old fortress of Ribat and the so-called "Medina" as the medieval. An Arab city with a city wall, where trade rows, cafes and restaurants are now located.
Today, Monastir is a centre of international recreation where traditions and modernity are harmoniously neighbours.
The number of hotels Monastir falls to Hammamet and Sussa. There's about 40 hotels open around 20,000 places.
The Islamic Museum has ancient manuscripts, tissues (IV and VI) and glass products, glimmer of the Abbadian era and collection of the first centuries of the era of Islam. Interest represents astrolabia manufactured in Kordoba in 927.
For the first time in Monastir, a tourist would probably immediately affect a combination of magnificent performances and structures with the provincial character of this small town. This seeming contradiction is simply explained by: Monastir is the home city of the first President of independent Tunisia, Habiba Burgiba. In the 1960s, up to 10 per cent of Tunisia ' s State budget was spent on the development of Monastira. There have been wide-ranging spectacles, beautiful squares that would honor any capital city, congress halls, a great safe and vice port for the yacht. The city was built with a size, "for growth." The great mausoleum of President Habib Burgiba is rising in the central area of Monastira.
Monastira's area is a beautiful place to rest at sea. There's a lot of walking places, a lot of comfortable restaurants and bars, souvenir shops. But night life isn't as big as Suss and Hammath resorts.
The population of Monastira is unexpectedly small, with only 30,000 inhabitants. In the absence of a tourist season, the city is almost dying, and the main life is warming only in the port area. During the summer, you will meet more foreign tourists than locals in the city ' s wide areas and spectacles.
Like most modern cities in Tunisia, Monastir is at the scene of an ancient Finnish colony founded in the V century before our age. The Finnish Ruth Penna and the Roman Ruspinna are of particular importance in VIII. In the modern name of the city, the influence of Christianity is felt. The fact is, in the first century of our era, the visas raised a powerful fortress here to protect the merchant port. The garrison of the fortress was the monk warriors (wiring time in prayers and in the reflection of the enemy) who were called the word " monastery " . That's the new name of the city. The subsequent Arab period of history in Monastira still resembles the old fortress of Ribat and the so-called "Medina" as the medieval. An Arab city with a city wall, where trade rows, cafes and restaurants are now located.
Today, Monastir is a centre of international recreation where traditions and modernity are harmoniously neighbours.
The number of hotels Monastir falls to Hammamet and Sussa. There's about 40 hotels open around 20,000 places.
The Islamic Museum has ancient manuscripts, tissues (IV and VI) and glass products, glimmer of the Abbadian era and collection of the first centuries of the era of Islam. Interest represents astrolabia manufactured in Kordoba in 927.