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Holidays in Hammameth

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Kurort Hammamet is located 60 km from Tunis, the capital of the State, on the Gulf with the same name. Tunisia ' s most frequent resort, known as soft climate (average monthly winter temperature of 12.2 degrees Celsius), comfortable hotels drowning in green orange and olive trees and wide beaches.

Green plantations of oranges and olive trees surrounding Hammameth gave him the name of gardens. This welcoming city has long been known as a beautiful place of rest. The coast represents a single turclef. But everything has an explanation. Thanks to a happy set of circumstances, the beautiful beach turned into a world-famous resort where they loved to rest celebrity, from Bernano to Shirley McLean, from Paul Cle to Edmon de Rotschilde, from Winston Churchill to Andre Jid.

It started at the end of the 1920s. Romanian Georges Sebastian opened Hammamet for himself and built a villa in Mauritanian style. He's invited his friends, the fuckers, the star. The big architect Frank Lloyd Wright here called this house the most beautiful ever. Then everyone went to Hammath to see this miracle, and the other powerful worlds built such villas there. This is the beginning of this resort, where the palaces along the coast remain beautiful and the blue sky is reflected in the basins.

There are comfort hotels on this resort, nightclubs, discotheques. Hammamet is also an international cultural centre. There are numerous musical and theatre performances. Hammamet-Flober, Momasan, Wild, Churchill, François Sagan, Sophie Lauren, have conquered his charms and paint. The old fortress on the very bank of the sea is protected by numerous luxury hotels located among orange, lemon, gasmine and gardens... One of the main features of the city is the old part, Medina (XV Century). Casba's tower has a view of the whole city and the neighborhood. There's a lot of coffee and fish restaurants around the old square. To the north and south of Medina, there are hotels.

In the northern part of the city from which the construction began, there are old greening hotels. The south of the city is now building new comfort hotels, building new ones.

Navigational, modern international airport.

In Hammameth, the main resort of Tunisia, on a beautiful beach sand, near the Kolomb and Manar re-established Aqua Park. It is divided into three complexes, two adults and one child, which include various attacks for which only the water of the Mediterranean is used, which is harvested from a sea well of 70 metre depth. The water is filtered, disinfected by special installations and continuously updated.

Inside and around the park, there is extensive infrastructure, including restaurants, bars, cafes, pizzas, diners, souvenir stores.

Last October, Hammameth joined the largest Talassotherapy Centre in the Mediterranean. It's the third center in Hammameth, which offers health procedures. And near the Port of Marine Entertainment in Southern Hammameth, which already hosts boats and boats and organizes sea walks, a fleet like Disneyland is being built, a " Tscience and one night " . The date of the solemn opening of this park was announced on 1 June.

Another novel of Hammamet, who immediately attracted thousands of tourists, the beautiful zoo of Frigia Park. It is a model of South Africa ' s reserves, where animals are in large voleras rather than in cells, and visitors monitor the lives of predators and other animals of a rich African fauna from the wolves.

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