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Holidays in Canberra

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Long before the Europeans entered the territory of the present Canberra, local tribes lived here, and even the name of the city came from the name of one of them. In another case, Canberra is a " venue of meetings " in translation from the Aboriginal language. The capital has emerged as a result of the struggle of two major cities in Australia, Melbourne and Sydneya, for the rank of capital. The result of the disputes was a compromise solution to form a new city. The American architect Walter Barley Griffin, who was named a huge artificial lake in the middle of the city, won an international competition for the best project. The Second World War had hindered the speedy completion of the construction, but the city had grown faster since its end. The lake organization was completed only in 1963.

Canberra is today a modern and unusual, largely by planning and architecture, a city with known monuments, galleries, a play shop and restaurants. Australia ' s political power is concentrated, embassies from various countries and government residences are located. Parking zones separate the towns from each other and occupy a fairly large area of Canberra. Australia ' s tropic forests are almost straightforward towards the city; a little time is needed to get out of nature. In only two hours from the city, there are famous Australian beaches, Snowy Mountains and mining resorts, over 30 wine factories and various historical buildings.

The viewing of the city begins most often from the vast building of Parliament, a model of the Australian architecture that combines its modern and national elements. Australian National Gallery attends tourists every day. There is one of the largest and most expensive art collections, and temporary exhibitions are regularly held.

The National Portrait Gallery, located in the Old City of Parliament, stores the work of European masters of past years and modern Australian artists. The building of the Supreme Court and the National Library are located, with more than 3 million volumes. A copy of each book published in Australia should be placed in the library.

On the opposite side of Lake Berley

Griffin has two monuments: the Australian Military Memorial and the American Memorial, remembranced by American troops who helped Australia during the Second World War.

Telstra Tower was built in 1980. There's a fabulous view on the city from its viewing site; there's a museum, a café and a souvenir shop in the tower.

The Black Mountain (Black Mountain) has a National Botanical Garden with several thousand Australian and imported plants. Canberra is rich in cultural and sports activities. Thus, every spring (from mid-September to mid-October) thousands of tourists travelled to the Floriade Flower Festival, the National Folk Festival, the Summernats Highway (Summernats) and the Celebrate Canberra festival, which lasts 10 days in March and is attached to the City Day.

Unlike the coastal capitals of the rest of the states, the Canberra is located quite far from the ocean, which determines its climate and four times of the year. The dry and hot summer is replaced by winter, characterized by dense fogs and frequent freezes. The snow in the capital and suburbs is not frequent and fast. In the period between October and March, there are storms, with maximum rainfall occurring in spring and summer.

Moscow time plus eight hours in winter, plus six hours in summertime.

Popular nightclubs and bars are concentrated in the centre of the city, City, like ICBM " Insomnia and In Blue " ; in Manuk, En Vogue, Kingston - Holy Grail can be visited.

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