The Netherlands is an amazing country that is primarily associated with old mills, red tulips, red lights and funny wooden shoes. The country is glossed by many magnificent castles, ancient cities, and by a vice-like nature that is not equal in Western Europe. We cannot fail to mention the unbelievable hastronomical tour of Holland.
What are the attractions to the Netherlands from Ukraine?
The country ' s main features are medieval houses with an interesting architecture, old-fashioned rhetoric and gatherings, universities and channels and interesting museums. The University of Leiden, the fish market of Wismarkt, as well as the open-ended museum of Zaandam in the 17th century, deserved attention.
The capital of Holland and the country ' s most visited city is Amsterdam, which has a unique atmosphere, remarkable monuments of culture and history, and an excellent architecture.
Rest in the Netherlands is an excellent opportunity to meet one of the most vivid and flower countries in Western Europe.
The country ' s largest park is De Hogue-Veluve, which can be bragged by one of the largest Otterlo sculpture museums in Europe, where masters of the 20th century are displayed.
With regard to the flower part of Holland, the legendary gardens of Appelterne and the Park of Kekenhof are mandatory for the visit.