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Holidays in Jamaica

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YAMAY - Aerial nature, many rivers and waterfalls of fabulous beauty, emerald bulbs and mysterious forests, vice buoys and bays, endless gold beaches. Many hotels work on the All Inclusive system, which means you don't have to pay for pleasure: large tennis and minigolf, discotheques, daily shows, boats, catamarans, water skis and even submarine equipment - all of which are already included in the cost. There's a lot of choices on the island. Some of the rests are couples, there are hotels for family recreation with children, honeymoon hotels, etc. However, Jamaica ' s main focus is not only on comfort and magnificent service, but also on the most inexorable, relaxed atmosphere, which is unique to the islands of the Caribbean. What you'll be able to see and feel here will always come back to you, you should hear Bob Marley's tone songs or just ruggie sound.

Geographical status: Jamaica is located in the centre of the Caribbean Sea, 145 kilometres south of Cuba. The island is one of the three largest Caribbean islands.
Jamaica is divided into three geographical areas: the plain shore surrounding the island is moving to the treasury platoons and further mountainous terrestrial in the centre of the island.
The maximum height of mountain peaks above sea level is 2,147 m. Most resorts are located on the island coast. The capital of the country is Kingston.

Jamaica: Tropical, warm. The rainiest months are May and October, but short-term rains are possible throughout the year.
The temperature during the day ranges from 25 °C to 32 °C. In the central part of the island, mountainous terrain may be slightly colder.

Political status: She goes into the Commonwealth. The Head of State is the British Queen, represented by the Governor-General. The legislature is a bicameral Parliament (Senate and House of Representatives).

Capital: Kingston is the main port and business centre of the country.

Population: Most of the island population, with two and a half million people of African descent, but the ancestors of modern Jamaicans were from Europe, China, India and the Middle East who entered into mixed marriages.

Language: The official State language of Jamaica is English, but the Jamaican language is saturated by various African languages. Chinese and Indians living on the island also speak the Jamaican English dialect, but they also have their own speech.

Religion: About 30 per cent of Jamaican residents are proteins Christians, 25 per cent adhere to the Baptist tradition. A small number of islanders treat themselves as methodists, and a little presbyterian and Catholic. In addition, some African cults (e.g. rituals) are common.

Time: Leaving Kiev for seven hours.

Money: Jamaica ' s National Monetary Unit is Jamaica ' s, and the United States dollar has practically equal rights. In many tourist centres and shops, road checks are used to pay.

It is recommended to purchase in American currency or credit cards from leading world systems: Visa, American Express and some others. The banknotes are worth 2, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 Jamaican dollars, coins 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 cents and $1,5 dollars. At the same time, there are coins of the two main series (the 1980s and 1990s) and a large number of commemorations. For example, an old coin of 5 cents is twice as modern 5-dollar. Some of the coins are not traditional rounds, but seven coals. They cheque images of animals, birds and fish. Exchange of currencies: The official course remains far from everywhere. The best exchange rate is in banks and exchange points. The exchange points take United States dollars, British sterling pounds and German stamps. In banks, the list is diverse, and in the head office of the Bank of Jamaica (the central bank of the country) it is possible to exchange not only the main monetary units of the world but also the most exotic currencies of the countries of Africa and the Middle East. Unfortunately, there is no Russian rouble on this list.

Kitchen: From simple and sharp to the most exquisite! The local kitchen is a collar mixture of local products, specialities and ties. Some of these mixtures are called "sweet." The food is cooked for hours, at low, creamy stoves standing on the street in front of the houses. Jamaica also has beautiful restaurants for vegetarians, Italian and other kitchens. On the island, you will be able to enjoy real exotic fruit, such as apple stars, papaya, avocado, sweet and sour soup, oranges. In a great abundance there are pineapples, mango and bananas. In addition to the commonly known fruits and fruits, it is interesting to try and try something more exotic: an orane (hydride of orange and mandarin), coals (grapefruit and mandarin hybrid), bread tree fruits and many others.
Tea: As a rule, all tips are already included in the cost of your residence, so any cash rewards on the resorts of Jamaica are not accepted. In restaurants where the cost of services is not included, tips (10-15 per cent) are provided.
National drink: Where else would you find such a quality rum in such quantities and for such small money (litre bottle $4) as on this Caribbean island? But get a rum in Jamaica...

It's only half. Every real Roma creator is simply obliged to visit a factory where they bar, filter and spill that smart drink. There are only two large rum factories equipped with modern technology in Jamaica. But there's absolutely nothing to look at the modern factory. There's a nickel, an automobile and strict control over each spill. But on the island, it works with dozens of dopotop factories where the rum is manufactured by the grandfather's recipe. There's a drinker here, and a booze and a story is a real break. The guests at these factories are always welcome. Without any formalities, they will be given a white rob and will guide the cehams to familiarize themselves with the thinness of the overtaking technology. An introductory lecture for tourists will be read by a factory technology engineer. He will also show how the sugar cane cane cane cane can be cooked directly from plantations in zincocked 50iliter tanks. Then he'll send guests to a huge plague, where he walks out of the cane syrup. There's a large overtaking machine, whose snake leaks and dripps into the rum-driver tank. You can't drink it yet. He's got to get filtered. And after the filtering, it's almost ready for a light rum. To make him dark brown, he'll be held for a month or so in a dub barrel.
For the tour guides who want to figure out how the light rum differs from the dark, in the factory garden, under the palms, the workers will close the Jamaican table: many fruits and juices, bread caps and hot meat. By paying about $20 per person, guests can eat all this wealth and drink rum, fresh or long. You can go to the warehouse. There, armed with a glass, the guests will, under the beginning of a skilled decorator, select the booth in which they will most enjoy the taste, color and smell.

Transport: Left-hand traffic. Rental of a car, 25 years old.

Jamaica: As a result of annual sociology studies, Jamaica has repeatedly recognized the best tourist region in the Caribbean region. The resort zones are Montego Bay, Negril, Ocho Rios, Port Antonio, Mandeville, Ranaway Bay, Kingston. Of the most culturally relevant

Spanish Town, Rodney Memorial, Queen ' s House (former Governor ' s residence), St. Catherine ' s House (XVII in).

1 and 2 January
1 March,
23 May,
7 August,
16 October
December 25 and 26th.

/ / Jamaica