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Holidays in Ravello

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Ravello is situated 350 metres above sea level and has long been manipulated by writers, composers, artists, poets and many people of art.

What are the attractions to Ravello?

Ravello's beauty has long inspired famous personalities. In due course, Giovanni Boccacho devoted a whole chapter to the resort, Dekamerona, later Ravello was rebuilt by E.Grin, D. Lawrence, A. Jeed, G. Vidal and T. Williams. Today, the picture gallery of London Tate holds dozens of William Turner's towels in which the painter perpetuated Ravello.

Ravello can brag about a lot of nice restaurants that will make the gourmans happy with Italian foods and a sophisticated wine map. Virtually all restaurants are located on the coast and open panoramic species to the extraordinary nature of the resort.

The locals call Ravello the city of music. Every year, the International Music Festival, which conquered global glory. Every summer, the best musicians from all over the world come to Ravello to perform the genius music of the famous composers.

Rest to Ravello is the pleasure of privacy and harmony in a complex of fascinating activities.

Ravello is rich in masterpieces of architecture that have taken different cultures into account. The city ' s main asset is the medieval villas, which now decorate the streets of the resort. Vila Rufolo (13th century) is the city ' s Visit card and the city ' s highest priority.

It is also worth visiting such sights as the cafeteria, the 35-metre bell, the San Joanny del Toro Church, the palace of D’Aflitto, and the monastery of St. Trifon.

Tours in Ravello are a medieval immersion that is harmoniously intertwined with modern and comfortable rest.

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