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Holidays in Eugénie-les-Bains

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The history of the thermal suitor of Eugene Le Ben started two centuries ago. Eugenia's Empress, Napoleon III's wife, has loved water and travel since childhood. Every summer on the coast of the Bay of Biscay in Birica, the Ventenus family travelled a lot across the region. Two thermal sources located in the center of Land were known to the Romans. The Lands sometimes call " French Sugar " filled with white sand. Indeed, it's 110 kilometers of sand dune on the Atlantic coast of France. The territory of the province is predominant with dense base forests. That's why Land's air was always thought to be whole. Only because of Eugenia, the little village of Egenie le Ben in the nineteenth century turned into a real Balneological resort. However, the remarkable waters that can be used for both bathing and drinking, together with the passing of the Second Empire, have been forgotten for almost a century. Dirty and two thermal sources of the resort have been approved and recommended by the French Academy of Medical Sciences.

The modern history of the revival of thermal sources begins thanks to Christine Gerard, who, at the age of 21, became the manager of an abandoned and virtually destroyed palneological resort. For Madame Guerar, this is an excellent opportunity to realize its many talents. Since her birth, she has been surrounded by people who have not only become a profession but a lifelong attraction. Among them, Christina ' s father, Mr. A. Barthelemy, who possessed the true encyclopedic knowledge in this field, is the first to be named. The main activity of his life was the world-famous network of French palneological resorts, Chaîne Thermale du Soleil (the prestigious association comprises 20 resorts, including Les Pres d’Eugenie).

As a result of the 30-year rabid work of Cristina Guerra and her husband, the world-famous meter of the high culinary, Michel Gerard, the small village of Les Pres d’Eugenie again became known throughout Europe and turned into a thermal resort offering to its clients all the latest developments in the field of water treatment, dietology and, of course, the gastronomic kitchen.***

The reason for this success, Ms. Gerard sees in a very simple principle that she has followed her entire life -

In order to create something revolutionary new, we must be able to take advantage of all the achievements of the past and of today. Thousands of years ago, the kelts chose for their settlements locations where warm sources were hit. Drews worshipped plants have been able to cure simple medicinal charges from many diseases that are almost forgotten by modern medicine.

The culture of water treatment, which has reached virtually no change to our days, is approaching Romans. Oriental medicine from the outlet was based on the use of aromatic oils (aromatherapy) and various massage types. The concept of the La Ferme Thermale web d'Eugenie is based on the synthesis of the celtese, Greek-Latinian and eastern medical culture, the use of medicinal plants and therapeutic massage. The philosophical constructor of this single spa centre of Ms. Christina Guerar is very close to the spirit of natural therapy and is expressed in the following principles:

1. It is necessary to treat the whole body rather than the individual body. A man is inseparable from a nature in which all processes are interlinked. In humans, the change in one body ' s work puts fingerprints on all body, soul and consciousness.

2. We need to find the cause of the disease, not treat its symptoms. If therapy results in only a short-term improvement, it means that the target has not been achieved and the disease can begin to progress with a new, double force.

3. The disease must be prevented before it occurs. To this end, we must take care of our way of life, take into account possible heirlooms of health, listen to the organism, closely monitor moral and physical condition.

4. It is necessary that treatment be beneficial only and without side effects.

5. The moral state of the human being, his mood, his vision of both himself and the surrounding world, is a reflection of his physical condition. Removing stress and stress, normalizing the nervous system is the first step towards recovery.

Christine Gegar's Davis is "Love therapy is beauty! The beauty of nature, the beauty of interers, the beauty of the treatment process itself!" Contemporary civilization is increasingly alienating people from nature. Provide all those who wish to return for a whilein her cradle, to feel her tender touch and strength, to return the harmony of the soul and body is the main task that the founder La Ferme Thermale web d'Eugenie has set herself for 30 years.

La Ferme Thermale web d'Eugenie (The Hermal Farm of Eugenia Empress) is open from February to November.

Application of thermal waters:

baths, drinking and inhalation

Application of therm-mineral dirt:

baths, baths

General physiological and therapeutic effects of thermal waters

urea, sedative, detoxication and strengthening.


Diseases related to the exchange of substances, inadequate food, lack of vitamins and micronutrients:

  • excess weight

  • local and general obesity, pulp

  • problems in the regulation of glicogene metabolism, pre-diabetic condition

  • submarine, hypomy, lithiasis

    Regardless of the testimonies, there is a general decline in weight and normalization of metabolism. This rapid and positive effect is the result of a combination of procedures with the Cuisine Minceur Active web course, a dietary hypocaloric diet. The course is also exclusive, as is all La Ferme Thermale web d'Eugenie. The dietary feeding programme is being developed individually under the guidance of the dietologist of the centre.

    rheumatism, propulsion system, osteo-articular disorders:

  • Artrosis is a chronic exchange condition, accompanied by changes in bone surfaces. La Ferme Thermale web d'Eugenie offers a course of treatment in the following readings:

    The vertebral artrosis, regardless of the localization and the stage of the disease, allows the use of thermal waters to achieve positive results in sufficient time. For example, the reduction of neurotic pains in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar (Lumbago) vertebral divisions.

    Bed or coxartrosis - it is desirable to start treatment immediately after diagnosing, for example, as a result of an X-ray study, and when the first pain occurs. In this case, in the course of procedures, stabilization can be achieved sufficiently quickly, and it will also help to prevent the development of a bilateral coxartrosis.

  • Small and large joints (resartrosis) - one of the most common species is deforming artos (which results in the decontamination of the joint, partial or full mobility). In most cases, patients with thermal therapy have improved the condition of the joints and slowed or discontinued the disease.

  • Arthritis are acute or chronic inflammation of joints. Without considering cases of infectious rheumatism, the SPA Center La Ferme Thermale web d'Eugenie has achieved positive results in the treatment of various chronic progressive polyartry (rematoid polyartry), with the exception of acute forms and with sufficient stability. There have also been positive trends in the treatment of spondiloartrosis, anquilosis.

  • The effects of injuries - the thermal procedures developed have allowed successful treatment of both the consequences of sports, car, household injuries and orthopaedic patients. In general, procedures are carried out in a thermal-water pool where the patient is given the most comfortable conditions to proceed.

  • In addition to the above testimonies, the centre may also treat various rheumatisms: coxopathia, milgia, tenosinites, inflammation of the sedative neurb - Ishias, osteo-articular disorders and other congenital or acquired disorders.

    Gastroenterology, urology, gynaecology

  • Gastroenterology - chronic diseases of the digestive tract, gastrites of various forms, inflammatory diseases of the liver (gepatitis), lithiasis (campus) of the veils, an interite, interoccult, colorite, valley. After the first procedures, toxins and slags are removed from the system, microflora rehabilitation intestines and the normalization of the digestive tract.

  • Urology, gynaecology - chronic urea diseases, genitalia, pulmonary disease, cystics (colybacilles), vaginals of different forms - the disease is subject to sufficiently rapid treatment (not considering acute forms).


    Tuberculosis; Tuberculosis; ulcers (joludca and 12-stroke, dual-gast reflux); some cardiovascular
  • Diseases, mental illnesses, acute kidney resurgence, viral diseases - anti-indication data are common to resort treatment.


    The course of thermal procedures, as well as the drinking course of thermal water or the medicinal grass, for both adults and children, is offered only individually after a medical consultation. Children up to 9 years of procedure and drinking school are not shown (but individual cases may be considered individually).

    Procedures with thermal water and vegetable wholesale extracts:

  • Tannes with thermal water and vegetable extracts - one of the three mixtures of vegetative aromatic extracts is added to thermal water. The procedure shall be carried out in a room surrounded by light wooden panels or in the Vanna Room of the Empress (marine bath, view of the park, camina and candles).

  • The Queen ' s flower bath - thermal water is supplemented by spectacles of wholesale plants, as well as rose petals, lavanda flowers, rumbs and chipovnics. The procedure shall be accompanied by waste, which shall be done by a small bag filled with the same plants. There is thus a double effect. It relaxes the muscles and calms the nerves, eases the skin and positively affects the digestive tract.

  • Thermal water bath and the extra citrus fruit are added to the thermal water with specimen and citrus fruit. The procedure shall be accompanied by laundry, which shall be carried out by a small bag filled with a lymone, grapefruit and orange. It is sedative to the nervous system and is shown in cases of overweight or pulp.

  • The " hot " bath with whole grass - thermal water adds to the tmine, rosemary and salpheus. The procedure is accompanied by blushing, which is done by a small bouquet of the same fresh grass. It is thinning, displayed in excess weight and rheumatism.

  • Preservation of thermal-mineral dirt with the addition of extracts of medicinal plants - the procedure is carried out on a special marble table warmed by thermal water. Preservation may be partial or general. The body is warm.
  • filth with the addition of one of the three combinations of medicinal extraction: Extract of acuteist, donnick and kiparis to improve hemorrhaging; - Extract of oats and lips - pulverizing and relaxing effects of the nervous system and heartbeat; - Extraction of polysoche, green tea, hvos and curvature - improvesemphate The procedure ends with an intensive tonic shower with thermal water.
  • The tender scattered soul with aromatic oils is a double effect. With the use of a high-pressure vapour, thermal water, saturated by aromatic oils, the skin is now lit literally. The vapour spraying is carried out in a special closed cab, which also results in deep inhalation of respiratory paths. As additives to thermal water in the form of aromatic oils, the extraction of the lavandas has a whole spasmolite, anti-inflammatory and anti-infective effect; the extraction of the left-hand effects in intellectual or physical attachment; the extraction of resin is sedative and anti-inflammatory, as shown in rhematic boles.

    The above procedures with the use of thermal water and vegetative wholeects may be supplemented (as decided by the doctor):

  • Thermal bath or Hamam is thermal water, presented as a pair (40 °C). As a result of this steam, oxidation processes are increasing in the system, and the rate of exchange of substances is increasing. Poeting contributes to the removal of end-of-life products, facilitates kidney work. Expanded leather capillaries are filled with blood, which is distracted from internal organs, which contributes to the elimination of stalemates and the improvement of bleeding. Inhalation of vapours of thermal water leads to deep inhalation of respiratory paths. There is general sedative action and removes the pains of different origins (e.g. muscles).

  • Igol, rain shower - thanks to the soft act of ecfoliation (hommaja), dead particles and leather pollution, moisture and softening are removed.
  • Recommended for all types of skin except sensitive. This is an effective method of activation of lymphotoc and oxygen supply. Recommended overweight and pulp.

  • The intensive hand and foot massage is shown in the arttrose. Cutting the pain, having a drainage effect in the treatment of vicos and legs, improves the flexibility of joints.

    Terminal procedures:

  • Bathroom with thermal water and underwater massage (high-pressure water) - this type of hydromassage is similar to the deep sports massage of muscle tissues. There is a relaxing and tonic effect (depending on water supply). Recommended for overweight, pulp and non-exchange of substances.

  • The bath with thermal, curly white dirt, immersed in the bathroom, filled with a full ranged white mud, has a similar inferior effect. In this state, the muscles are completely relaxed. Recommended for rheumatism, for the prevention of nervous system disturbances and for the improvement of the bowels (chronic closures, etc.) This procedure may be accompanied by submarine surge masses. Thermal-mineral mud after reaching the surface is subjected to constant pasterization, which significantly improves its bacteriological properties. After the bathing, the procedure ends with a rainy thermal shower with a tonic effect.

  • Thermal hydromassage - the patient ' s hydromassage is located on the heated marble massage table. The water shall be sprayed with a constant changing pressure perpendicular to the patient ' s body. Massage is general or partial, depending on the appointment of a doctor. Intensive massage leads to rapid penetration of minerals into the surface layers of skin, removes muscle pains (drugs), improves sleep.

  • Thermal shower with contrasting temperatures - the patient is transferred to the waters of contrasting temperatures. It is based on temperature and mechanical irration. Applicable when the mixture of substances, diseases and injuries of joints, muscles, tendons, peripheral nervous system is violated.

    Moscow minus 2 hours.


  • airports: Tuluz airport: 150 km, Birritz airport 130 km, Bordo airport 120 km, Lurda airport 100 km, Po-45 km. Largest vocals connecting Paris to the resort: Po station 45 km, Dax station 75 km.

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