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City of pedestrian streets, coastlines, fountains, café on pavements like Paris, city of festivals, seas and sun. It's a welcome, hospitality, modern, corrupt, recreational and entertaining city.

Netia is only half an hour away from Tel Aviv and within reach of other tourist attractions.
Natania offers both the luxury hotels and the modest family type of hotel. Any tourist can stop here, regardless of the means, style and taste. Nearly all the Netanya hotels are located at the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, some of which have a great view at sea and rocks. Almost all the hotels are within a short walk from the city center.

Rest in Netanya is always linked to screaming, poor rules of conduct and manners. Relations between local residents and resting friendly and purely hearty.

Natania's jewel is 11 kilometers of pure white beaches. They're taken away and cleaned twice a day.

They invite their guests to participate in and attend a lot of free exercises - people ' s dances, fairs, exhibitions, concerts, parades, fireworks, festivals and performances. There are great opportunities for water sports - surfing, motor boats, sea motorcycles, sailing, fishing, para-clouding, water skis, and riding. There's equipment and instructors for all of this.

In recent years, there has been an increasing number of international events in Netanya that are of particular interest to active recreationists: international folklore and dance festivals, various sports competitions that attract tourists from around the world.

To the north of Netanya, there are the ruins of ancient Cesarea, a town built in Roman specimen by King Irod Velik, 1 N. E., and a strengthened Louis Saint, King of France, 13 V. Cesarea is the city of Krestonians, the city of Romans, the city of Pontia Pilate and St. Paula, should visit. There's something here to see: seaport, temples, amphitheater, hip, aqueduct. In the ancient Roman theatre of Cesarea, there are concerts, opera and ballet plays. There is, among the excavations, the only Israeli golf club. Modern Cesarea is a fenile village of villa with original architecture and a modern art museum of Ricanaty, in his

Exposion is a Latin American liver, as well as some Daly sculpture.

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