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Holidays in Melbourne

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In 1835, the first settlement emerged at the site of the modern Melbourne, but only in the 1850s, when gold deposits were found in the region, the city began to develop actively. Over time, Melbourne became the capital of Victoria and even argued with Sydney for being the capital of Australia. Today ' s city with full right is called the " Magic Melbourne " and the " South Hemisphere diamond " .

Melbourne is a city that dictates style. Some of the best trading and entertainment centres are assembled here, and the Kaleidoscope of festivals, concerts, major art exhibitions and theatre shows gives the city the right to be the cultural capital of Australia honoured. It doesn't matter what you're looking for - luxury restaurants or stylish cafes, expensive boutiques or antique salons, magnificent museums and galleries, or you're attracted to world-wide sports events - all you find in Melbourne.

Cities represent over 3,000 restaurants, cafes and bars from about 75 national kitchens.

Lots of parks, gardens and active recreation are waiting for you at the River Yarra, carrying their waters through the city to Port Philip.

Melbourne climatic is considered moderate, but it's probably the coldest thing compared to the rest of the state capital. There are frozen and fogs in winter, hot summer and dry. At the same time, the geographical location of the city is such that the weather is very variable: the town ' s guests and the city ' s inhabitants are very often observed, as " four times of the year change each other in one day " .

Moscow time plus six hours in summer time plus eight hours in winter.

Traditional dating the city begins with his history. The old streets, the well-established buildings of the 19th century of Viktorian style and other landmark structures of the city are combined into a single four-kilometre route Golden Mile Heritage Trail. All interesting objects are marked by memorial boards, so it is easy to pass on its own, but it is possible to order a tour if you wish. Attention is drawn to one of the largest and old exhibition centres in the World Heritage List, Royal Exhibition Building, the Como colonial mansion surrounded by gardens in the Toorak and Rippon Lea area, the impressive private sector of the 19th century.


It is natural that in Melbourne, as one of Australia ' s largest cities, night life is ticking and manipulating thousands of lights. Victoria's capital has many restaurants, pubs, bars and nightclubs, not just in the middle. Going downtown, you're gonna hit the Irish pub, a bar with a lot of wine or a jazz club. Chapple Street has one of the most fashionable, fabulous and naturally expensive institutions; King Street has traditionally been considered a dance club street: choose the right one and dance all night. Among the best Melbourne clubs are Melbourne Metro Nightclub and QBH. Brunswick Street has a large number of restaurants and bars, some of which are considered to be the best in Melbourne.

This is what the city's name is one of the largest buildings in the southern part of the city, Crown Casino, a huge entertainment centre with playgrounds and nightclubs.

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